I have been fairly active all of my life, more at some times and less at others but always have managed to fit exercise in. It i
s often assumed that because I am a Pilates teacher and Personal Trainer that staying fit is easy for me. I wouldn’t call it hard but it takes commitment and planning.
Having worked in the fitness industry for nearly 25 years, I have learned what strategies work to keep me and my clients motivated and dedicated.
How do you fit exercise into your life on a regular basis?
Here are my 6 tips on fitting in fitness:
1. Set your fitness goals.
This can be running an ultra-marathon, doing a single pushup, improving your posture for when you walk down the aisle….
My goals right now:
- Staying on top of my own Pilates practice.
- Staying strong and getting stronger through Pilates and strength training.
- Participate in my first Triathlon July 2018
- Learning how to swim with good technique and efficiency.
2. Hire an expert.
- Personal Trainer
- Run Coach
- Swim Coach
- Dance Teacher
- Pilates Teacher…
I highly recommend finding an activity that you pre-pay and are required to make an appointment or show up at a set time.
For my goals:
I currently I have a Pilates class I attend weekly. Plus have swim and nutrition coach. In the past, I have hired my own personal trainer, a run coach, and other Pilates teachers to help keep myself committed.
3. Have a training plan.
You might think that having a training plan sounds pretty serious or maybe unnecessary for your goals but it’s not.
What is your goal? Who is your expert and what can they do to help you achieve your goal? What resources are out there to help you develop your own training plan?
Even a goal of one good push up has several steps, skills to master to get to the final goal. Having a training plan and someone to help you execute that plan is a great way to achieve your goals.
My training plan:
I’m training for a triathlon. Running, swimming, cycling, strength training and Pilates are all on my list of activities to balance out through my weekly routine. The one activity that I need the most help with right now is swimming. My training buddy and I have started 2 sessions a week with a swimming coach for now. Starting January we will start our official triathlon training plan.
4. Evaluate your schedule and book your workouts
Write it down! What does your schedule look like? When do you work? What other commitments do you have outside of work? Do you have free time morning, midday, evening or weekends? Is there anything on your schedule can be moved or removed? Perhaps there are tasks in your life that you can get help with so that you have a bit time.
My schedule:
For years I taught group fitness and spin classes so it was pretty easy to get some form of a workout most days. That has changed and I struggled for awhile with fitting my exercise into my new schedule and work, along with getting enough sleep. I adjusted my work schedule a little bit. I tried doing mid-day workouts and that works, IF I have an appointment, otherwise I’m pretty good at putting it off until…..NEVER! So early mornings are best for me, on the days when I don’t work at 6 am. Two or three mornings a week I get to sleep in until 6:30 or 7 am which keeps me from being overtired through the week. And usually, Friday is an exercise free day.
5. Have a training buddy and/or join a class or club to train with.
Making a commitment to meet up with a training partner or a group can be extremely helpful in getting you to your workouts.
Training Buddies:
- Best friend
- Sibling
- Co-worker
- Spouse
- Family member
- Neighbour
There are so many options and this can work out great. It also may not work out as great as you might want it too. I say this because I have seen it many times with clients. You have to be ready to make the commitment to make changes. Someone close to you might want to support you but not necessarily be ready themselves.
Who is your best training buddy then? Someone who has the same goals and interests. Someone who is at a similar fitness level as you. Someone who is ready to make the commitment has a similar schedule to you and will be reliable and accountable.
This is why joining a class or club can be a great way to get started. The activity is scheduled, you have paid your money, now all you have to do is show up and you will be guided through your workout. As you go regularly you will likely build some relationships with the other group participants. Getting to know people with common interests and goals can lead to finding the perfect workout partner(s).
Who are my Training Buddies?
When I look at who I train with now, I realize that it is sometimes my husband or children but for the most part, it is people who I first knew as participants in my classes and/or I workout along with them at the gym. We built friendships, have common goals and it works!
6. Commit and do it!
There are so many options and ways to get started.
- 3 days a week, 1 hour a day
- 1/2 hour, 6 days a week
- Buy a 3 month boot camp pass
- Register for weekly dance lessons
- Buy a Personal Training Package
- Do Pilates twice a week….
Remember you are creating a new habit and routine in your life. It might not work perfectly at first, so reassess and make changes. Don’t make it too hard. It will be a change, taking some effort and planning but if it is a chore, you won’t keep doing it.
You might try joining a gym and plan to get to classes 4 times a week. Then find that you aren’t going at all. That is not working for you. Maybe you need more structure, more of a commitment, such as a personal trainer who you have to make an appointment with.
Once it all starts becoming part of your routine it will get easier. You might notice that you start doing more activities without even thinking about it. You could start making goals for yourself that you would never have dreamed of before.
Why do I stay committed to my exercise schedule?
I enjoy it and miss it when I can’t fit it into my schedule. I feel better, stronger, happier, calmer and more alert when I exercise. It is simply just a part of my daily routine (actually my 6 days a week. Rest days are important too!) Usually one hour sometimes up to two hours of the twenty-four hours that I have in a day are dedicated to exercising. Its been that way all my adult life. Its routine, I love the challenges and I would miss it a lot if I couldn’t exercise in some way.
Goals, Experts, Training Plan, Schedule, Support, Commitment
You’ve got this!
Let me know if I can help.