Balance is one of those things that seems to get worse with age. It’s also something that we need to keep us stable in the activities we do every day: reaching, leaning, and even walking require balance. If you make an effort to maintain and improve your balance, you’ll be able to keep doing the …
How Often You Should Practice Pilates
I regularly get asked how often you should practice Pilates. Well, that’s going to depend on your current fitness level and your goals. But before we get into that, here’s what Joseph Pilates had to say: In 10 sessions, you feel better, in 20 sessions you look better, and in 30 sessions you …
Improve Your Golf Game with Pilates
Can you improve your golf game with Pilates? You bet! The passion golfers have for their sport often reminds me of the passion runners have for running. They’ll get out no matter the weather to take part in their favourite activity, sometimes even when it hurts. Like running (and many other sports), …