Are you planning the new year and a new you? I’d like to challenge you with a different approach. How about new year, evolving you? We're constantly learning, changing and evolving - and it can happen all year long! Setting big goals for yourself is a great way to ensure you keep evolving, so set …
What the 3 Bears Have to do with Fitness
If you want to get the most out of your workouts, you need to be dripping sweat, collapse on the floor, and have major muscle pain, right? I’ve seen those people many times at the gym, and I grimace thinking about how sore they’re going to be the next day. I’ve also seen the same people show up …
Five Minute Pilates
Sometimes, life gets crazy. Right now, it’s the holidays, but it’s not unusual to find yourself overwhelmed or out of routine at any time of year. Spring Break, summer holidays, or even a sick person at home can get you off-balance in life. It’s these times that fitness often falls to the side, but …