Oh, Pilates. How do we describe thee? I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked “What is Pilates, exactly?” But I’m willing to guess it is about the same number of times I’ve struggled to answer it! I was talking with my husband last night about this very thing - how we both struggle to …
Showing My Gratitude for 2020
Yes, 2020 was hard, and each and every person has had their life disrupted in many ways. But I don’t want to dwell on that today; rather, I’d like to show my gratitude for 2020. I’m grateful for the businesses that were able to stay open (like mine!). I’ve loved seeing the new and beautiful …
6 Ways to Get Outside During the Holidays
This year has had us staying home a whole lot more than ever before. But now that we all have time off for the winter break, it is easier to fit in some outdoor adventures. Here are six of my family’s favourite ways to get outside during the holidays. Creative Ways to Get Outside During …