Sometimes, life can feel really difficult. Usually, it is when things are not living up to our expectations of how we want them to go, or how we think it should be. In times like these, it is helpful to take a new approach. Approach the Problem DifferentlyI had a very good laugh at myself as I …
How Are You? Really?
How the heck are you doing? Has life thrown you for a loop these past 4 months? Life has forced us all to make sudden, huge changes - whether we wanted to or not. It can be easy to just “keep on keeping on,” but the truth is that this has been a traumatic time for us all, no matter which lens you …
Stop Waiting to Love Your Life
Are you waiting to love your life? Are you waiting for a raise, more time, tomorrow to arrive, or a “sign”? I hope not, because sometimes the thing that prompts you to finally take action is a tragedy. I am not trying to be dramatic - in fact, quite the opposite! I want to share the message that …