Whether you are ready or not, September is right around the corner. With it comes regular routines, pumpkin-spice everything (love it or hate it), back-to-school, and homework. Like kids practicing their spelling words, doing ten minutes a day of Pilates homework can make all the difference when you …
I Want Fitness to BE Easy, not Just LOOK Easy
This past week, my family took a trip to Whistler, BC. In all of the craziness, we managed to catch the final races of Crankworx, which is a huge mountain-biking competition. We watched woman after woman knock their races out of the park - and they made it look SO EASY. With the live commentary and …
I Am Rooting For You
If I see you in class, I don’t care if you are slow, fast, in shape, out of shape, thick or thin. If you are in class, I am rooting for you.I read the above on Instagram the other day, and it stood out for me, because it is truly how I feel! When I started teaching fitness classes at twenty-three, …