Isn’t being young wonderful? You can run and jump and play all day, and wake up feeling fresh and flexible. I was a Scottish dancer since I was four years old, and then switched to aerobics when I was eighteen. I jumped around every day, pain free! Soon, I was taking classes and teaching aerobics. …
What is Pilates?
Oh, Pilates. How do we describe thee? I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked “What is Pilates, exactly?” But I’m willing to guess it is about the same number of times I’ve struggled to answer it! I was talking with my husband last night about this very thing - how we both struggle to …
Showing My Gratitude for 2020
Yes, 2020 was hard, and each and every person has had their life disrupted in many ways. But I don’t want to dwell on that today; rather, I’d like to show my gratitude for 2020. I’m grateful for the businesses that were able to stay open (like mine!). I’ve loved seeing the new and beautiful …