I can’t avoid it! This post isn’t about Pilates or fitness; it is about how we are all dealing with pandemic exhaustion. No matter how hard we all are trying, managing the restrictions, the unknown, and the stress is just EXHAUSTING. And sometimes, we just need to let it all out.How My Family is …
Is it About Looking Good or Feeling Good?
When you exercise, are you thinking about your looks or how you are moving? If you are focused, you should be thinking about how your body moves and feels. It seems obvious, but since many people start working out to LOOK a certain way, I had to ask. I’m curious - why did you start working out? And …
I’m Pushing You to Connect
The latest Covid 19 orders (to restrict indoor fitness and other gatherings) hit me hard. We have had to adjust and adapt our lives in so many ways since March (where I live), and others have been dealing with it much longer. We’ve all had our ups and downs. But these latest restrictions took the …