Once upon a time, a man named Joseph Pilates created a system of exercise called Contrology which is now known simply as Pilates. In the almost 100 years since his first gym opened, Pilates has evolved. Since it’s not a “patented” form of exercise, it’s become very open to interpretation and now …
The Many Ways Pilates Helps Relieve Back Pain
You may have heard that Pilates helps relieve back pain, but have you ever wondered how Pilates works its magic? It’s actually a combination of things that not only heal back pain, but actually helps it stop recurring. But before we can talk about how Pilates helps, we need to understand why the …
Back Pain From Sitting
Do you get back pain from sitting too long? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience stiffness and discomfort, especially in the lower back, after spending hours sitting at a desk, on the couch, or driving. I saw a reel yesterday that showed a man sitting at his desk working on his …