I’ve been reading regularly again. One might even say it’s become a new habit! The book I’m reading right now happens to be Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything, by J.P. Fogg, PhD. I’m only a few chapters in, but I’m excited to keep reading. He shows that with a few tweaks to things …
Have Better Runs With This
As a runner myself, I know that when someone loves running, they RUN. And run. And run. All you need to do is lace up your sneakers and you have an amazing way to relieve stress, decompress, re-energize, or kickstart your day. It makes you feel good and helps you to handle stress, your job, and …
Tips to Get Back Into a Fitness Routine
I’ve always felt like September is the true start of the year, because that’s when school starts. After 12+ years of my own education and the years of my daughters in school (16 years and counting), September is a time of new beginnings. If you want to get back into a fitness routine, this is the …